Education: School of Law - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Lawyer at the Supreme Court
Insurance Law, outsource co- operation with NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY S.A. as well with the Auxiliary Fund. Specialized in Title Deeds and preparation and legal check of title deeds, preparation of contracts concerning security matters for lending, co –operation with the National Bank of Greece and specialized since 2010 as outsource co – operator with the National Bank of Greece for cases concerning the law 3869/2010 (over indebtedness) and negotiation on loans (Law of obligations, Unfair Competition, Banking Law, Family Law, Immigrant Law, Administrative Law, Inheritance Law, Insurance Law).
Arbitrator, member of Arbitrators Body of the Organization of Mediation and Arbitration (GR) and since 2014 Certified Mediator of the Ministry of Justice.
Languages: Greek, French and English