Νέα από Εξωτερικό

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Germany - vocational qualifications promise good job perspectives

22/09/2014 at

ReferNet Germany

’Many young people are not aware of the career opportunities opened up by vocational qualifications.


No sustainable recovery without more and better jobs

With global economic growth forecasts down and weak prospects for job creation, ILO Director-General says both weak global demand and supply constraints need to be tackled.


Commission proposes €6.4 million from Globalisation Fund for former workers of the Fokas department stores in Greece

The European Commission has proposed to provide Greece with €6.4 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help 600 former workers of the Fokas department stores to find new jobs, and to extend its support to 500 young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs).


It's now time to ratify the newly adopted ILO Forced Labour Protocol

The new legally-binding ILO Protocol on Forced Labour aims to strengthen global efforts towards combating forced labour, trafficking and slavery-like practices. Governments now have the opportunity to ratify the Protocol and integrate new measures at the national and regional levels to combat this crime.


Haiti: Entrepreneurial spirit rebuilds out of the rubble

Once a symbol of misfortune, the debris created by Haiti's earthquake on 12 January 2010 is now a symbol of hope. Haitian entrepreneurs, with ILO training, are recycling the debris and using it to rebuild their neighbourhoods. In fragile states that are emerging from conflicts and natural disasters, the ILO works to create employment and supports paths towards greater resilience. A high-level panel on decent work in fragile states will take place at the ILO's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland on 20 March 2014.


Progress on gender equality in the world of work is uneven and not fast enough, said ILO's Director-General

The ILO marked International Women’s Day with a panel discussion entitled: “ILO Women at Work Centenary Initiative: Where we are and where we want to be in the world of work". The ILO Centenary Initiative on Women at Work is one of the seven being launched ahead of the ILO’s 100th anniversary in 2019 to help “equip the Organization to take up successfully the challenges of its mandate in the future”.



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